Sergeant Baytoes (C6)
Fortress Gaurds (NPC's)
Fortress Archers (NPC's)
The fortress is made of four structures surounded by a large marble wall with a look out structure at each corner. Each structure inside the land is made of marble and the largest one in the center of the land was the main building. The first smaller building was the infermary. The second was living arangments for the gaurds and any members that did not have a place of their own. The third building is a storage for weapons and supplies of all kinds that the clan may need. The gaurds The gaurds are the people that protect the Elvish Unions home land and fortress. There are those that might try to steal from us and cause the clan trouble. Their are also those that would even try to kill and ravage Members of this clan. The gaurds protect the fortress and keep track of who is aloud in and who is not. While the Archers scout out and protect the fortress by keeping away any animal or harmful person at a distance. |
C6=250HP D40 Speed5 Baytoes was born into slavery to grow up fighting as a monster against gladiators in the arena. He watched his father die there trying to win his freedom. Baytoes succeeded where his father failed by defeating 20 gladiators in mortal combat. Since then he has enjoyed his freedom working contract labor as a bouncer, bounty hunter, enforcer and bodyguard. He also lived with many different elf clans over a ten year period. He protected them and in return they made him things like just about ever item he owned. They also taught him how to exist as a semi-civilized creature. He began making toys as a hobby to aid him in finding his center. He is now the head of the gaurds and soldiers for the Elvish Union. Though he is not preseant for the big decisions he helps keep the members safe while in the fortress. |